What is the Superior Court of Justice?

The Superior Court of Justice is one of the busiest trial courts in the world. The Court has jurisdiction over criminal, civil, and family cases, and is the largest superior trial court in Canada. The Divisional Court, the Small Claims Court, and the Family Court are all branches of the Superior Court of Justice.

The Superior Court sits in 52 locations across Ontario and its complement of over 300 federally appointed judges serves millions of people throughout the province. Every day, the judges and judicial officials of the Court work to provide Ontarians with effective, affordable, and timely justice; the dedication and integrity they bring to their courtrooms makes the Superior Court one of the most respected courts in Canada and worldwide.

The Chief Justice of the Superior Court is responsible for the sittings of the Court and assigning judicial duties, as well as other matters relating to the governance and administration of the Court. The Associate Chief Justice, eight Regional Senior Judges, and the Senior Judge of the Family Court form the Executive of the Court, which provides advice to the Chief Justice on policy and governance issues. Together, the Chief Justice and the members of the Executive work to ensure the proper administration of the Court.

In total, the Court serves eight judicial regions in Ontario. Each region is headed by a Regional Senior Judge who exercises the powers and performs the duties of the Chief Justice in that region. The business of the Court can vary from region to region depending on the particular requirements of each jurisdiction; however, the constant that binds the Court together is the commitment of its judges and judicial officials to meet the diverse needs of Ontarians.

As the social and legal landscape of the province continues to grow and change, the Superior Court of Justice remains steadfast in its goal to constantly improve the Court’s service to the public and provide justice to the people of Ontario.


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